Classification on Nursery Dataset¶
This notebook demonstrates model diagnostics on the nursery dataset, originally
The response variable class has five different values: not_recom, recommend, very_recom, priority, spec_prior.
Our modelling goal is to estimate the conditional probability of $Y=1$, i.e. $P(Y=1|X)$, where $X$ are the features and $Y$ is defined as $$ Y = \begin{cases} 1 \text{ if class} \in \text{\{priority, special priority\}}\\ 0 \text{ if otherwise } \end{cases} $$
Note is made that for binary classification $E(Y|X) = P(Y=1|X)$, that is, the conditional expected value equals the conditional probability of $Y$ being equal to one. Therefore, all the theory for the expectation functional applies to binary classification, probabilistic predictions are point predictions and scoring rules coincide with scoring functions.
The impatient reader can directly jump to chapters 3-4 where the capability of model-diagnostics
are shown.
Chapters 1-2 are needed for data preparation and model training.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X, y = fetch_openml(data_id=43938, as_frame=True, return_X_y=True, parser="auto")
df_original = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1)
class not_recom 4320 priority 4266 spec_prior 4044 very_recom 328 recommend 2 Name: count, dtype: int64
df = df_original.copy()
df["binary_response"] = df["class"].isin(["priority", "spec_prior"])
y_var = "binary_response"
x_vars = X.columns
print(f"The prepared dataset contains {df.shape[0]} rows.")
The prepared dataset contains 12960 rows.
parents | has_nurs | form | children | housing | finance | social | health | class | binary_response | |
0 | usual | proper | complete | 1 | convenient | convenient | nonprob | recommended | recommend | False |
1 | usual | proper | complete | 1 | convenient | convenient | nonprob | priority | priority | True |
2 | usual | proper | complete | 1 | convenient | convenient | nonprob | not_recom | not_recom | False |
3 | usual | proper | complete | 1 | convenient | convenient | slightly_prob | recommended | recommend | False |
4 | usual | proper | complete | 1 | convenient | convenient | slightly_prob | priority | priority | True |
1.2 Contingency tables¶
4320 + 4320 = 8640 observations can be perfectly predicted using the feature health, as we can see in the contingency table below:
contingency_table = pd.crosstab(df["health"], df['binary_response'])
print("Contingency Table:")
Contingency Table:
binary_response | False | True |
health | ||
not_recom | 4320 | 0 |
priority | 0 | 4320 |
recommended | 330 | 3990 |
By further looking into the other features of the observations where $health=\text{recommended}$ we can see if one can completely predict the response variable using the other covariates as well.
We automate this procedure in section 2.3 by fitting a decision tree.
1.3 Data Split¶
df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, train_size=0.75, random_state=1234321)
df = (
pd.concat((df_train, df_test), axis=0, keys=("train", "test"))
.rename(columns={"level_0": "split"})
y_train, y_test = df_train[y_var].astype(float), df_test[y_var].astype(float)
X_train, X_test = df_train[x_vars], df_test[x_vars]
We check whether the split results in two approximately identically distributed samples.
binary_response | |
split | |
test | 0.636420 |
train | 0.642798 |
from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier
m_trivial = DummyClassifier(strategy="prior").fit(X_train, y_train)
2.2 Logistic¶
Here, we train a Logistic Regression model.
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# All variables are discrete.
x_discrete = x_vars
# ColumnTransformer for linear models
col_trans_cat = ColumnTransformer(
OneHotEncoder(drop="first", sparse_output=False),
m_logistic = Pipeline(
("column_transformer", col_trans_cat),
).fit(X_train, y_train)
We can have a look at the model coefficients.
feature_names = m_logistic[:-1].get_feature_names_out()
model_coefs = m_logistic.steps[-1][1].coef_.squeeze()
model_coefs = pd.DataFrame(
"coefficient": [x.removeprefix("cat_features__") for x in feature_names],
"value": model_coefs,
with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", 20):
coefficient | value | |
3 | has_nurs_less_proper | -11.857906 |
4 | has_nurs_proper | -11.849024 |
1 | parents_usual | -11.532055 |
0 | parents_pretentious | -10.116730 |
2 | has_nurs_improper | -9.870463 |
5 | has_nurs_very_crit | -0.097957 |
16 | social_slightly_prob | 0.000125 |
6 | form_completed | 0.829653 |
8 | form_incomplete | 1.767603 |
9 | children_2 | 1.860888 |
14 | finance_inconv | 2.152042 |
13 | housing_less_conv | 2.414219 |
7 | form_foster | 3.181892 |
10 | children_3 | 3.955277 |
11 | children_more | 4.120487 |
12 | housing_critical | 5.707804 |
15 | social_problematic | 11.130701 |
18 | health_recommended | 47.231852 |
17 | health_priority | 59.699965 |
2.3 Decision Tree¶
We will now train a DecisionTreeClassifier
with default parameters, so no hyperparameter optimization.
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, plot_tree
# We can reuse the categorical one-hot encoding of the linear model.
m_tree = Pipeline(
("column_transformer", col_trans_cat),
"model", DecisionTreeClassifier(
criterion="log_loss", min_samples_leaf=2,
).fit(X_train, y_train)
The reading of the tree structure is difficult due to the one-hot encoding.
For instance, cat_features__health_priority <= 0.5
means health == priority
goes to the right, else to the left.
We can see that the first two splits have been performed as we previously did "by hand" on the feature health.
We restricted the tree plot to a depth of 3 for ease of readability. The tree has in fact a depth of 17.
As the fitted decision tree has a large depth, we check how many observations are in each leaf.
# Get the leaf node assignments for each sample
leaf_ids = m_tree.steps[-1][1].apply(col_trans_cat.fit_transform(X_train))
# Count the samples in each leaf node
unique_leaf_ids = np.unique(leaf_ids)
leaf_samples = [np.sum(leaf_ids == node_id) for node_id in unique_leaf_ids]
array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
Some leaf nodes contain only 2 observations, the minimum we set (which is quite low).
2.4 Gradient Boosted Decision Trees¶
We will now train a HistGradientBoostingClassifier
# Note that this cell might take a few seconds.
from sklearn.experimental import enable_halving_search_cv
from sklearn.model_selection import HalvingGridSearchCV
from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
# ColumnTransformer for boosted trees
col_trans_bt = ColumnTransformer(
("categorical_features", OrdinalEncoder(), x_discrete),
m_hgbt_base = Pipeline(
("column_transformer", col_trans_bt),
"model", HistGradientBoostingClassifier(
param_grid = {
"model__learning_rate": [0.6, 0.7, 0.8], # quite large
"model__l2_regularization": [0, 1e-6, 1e-3],
"model__max_depth": [10, 15, 20],
"model__min_samples_leaf": [2, 3, 4],
# successive halfing grid search (CV) on the training data
shgs = HalvingGridSearchCV(
).fit(X_train, y_train)
m_hgbt = shgs.best_estimator_
CPU times: user 33.2 s, sys: 569 ms, total: 33.8 s Wall time: 8.81 s
shgs.best_params_, shgs.best_score_
({'model__l2_regularization': 1e-06, 'model__learning_rate': 0.7, 'model__max_depth': 15, 'model__min_samples_leaf': 2}, -6.40295807008405e-05)
3. Calibration Assessment¶
To make the code easier, we put together the predictions of all of our models on the test set in a single dataframe.
models = [m_trivial, m_logistic, m_tree, m_hgbt]
model_names = ["Trivial", "Logistic", "Tree", "HGBT"]
df_pred_test = pd.DataFrame(
{name: m.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] for m, name in zip(models, model_names)}
3.1. Reliability Diagrams¶
A reliability diagram plots an estimation of $E(Y|m(X))$ versus $m(X)$ and therefore assesses auto-calibration. Good auto-calibration is seen by closeness to the diagonal depicted as dotted line.
A good way to estimate $E(Y|m(X))$ and thereby avoiding manual binning is by isotonic regression.
This is implemented in plot_reliability_diagram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from model_diagnostics.calibration import compute_bias, plot_bias, plot_reliability_diagram
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
y_pred=df_pred_test[["Logistic", "Tree", "HGBT"]],
The HGBT model is very close to be auto-calibrated. A comment regarding the strong performance of the HGBT model is in section 4.1.
model | bias_mean | bias_count | bias_weights | bias_stderr | p_value |
str | f64 | u32 | f64 | f64 | f64 |
"Trivial" | 0.006379 | 3240 | 3240.0 | 0.008452 | 0.4505 |
"Logistic" | -0.001374 | 3240 | 3240.0 | 0.001493 | 0.357317 |
"Tree" | 0.000772 | 3240 | 3240.0 | 0.000878 | 0.379312 |
"HGBT" | 0.000008 | 3240 | 3240.0 | 0.000007 | 0.298421 |
Bias Conditional on parents¶
model | parents | bias_mean | bias_count | bias_weights | bias_stderr | p_value |
str | cat | f64 | u32 | f64 | f64 | f64 |
"Trivial" | "great_pret" | -0.009376 | 1104 | 1104.0 | 0.014341 | 0.513399 |
"Trivial" | "pretentious" | -0.00183 | 1089 | 1089.0 | 0.01451 | 0.899677 |
"Trivial" | "usual" | 0.031528 | 1047 | 1047.0 | 0.015072 | 0.036696 |
"Logistic" | "great_pret" | -0.000006 | 1104 | 1104.0 | 0.000017 | 0.726384 |
"Logistic" | "pretentious" | 0.000139 | 1089 | 1089.0 | 0.003114 | 0.964296 |
"Logistic" | "usual" | -0.004392 | 1047 | 1047.0 | 0.003295 | 0.1828 |
"Tree" | "great_pret" | 0.0 | 1104 | 1104.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
"Tree" | "pretentious" | 0.002296 | 1089 | 1089.0 | 0.002415 | 0.342047 |
"Tree" | "usual" | -1.0604e-19 | 1047 | 1047.0 | 0.001032 | 1.0 |
"HGBT" | "great_pret" | -7.7474e-8 | 1104 | 1104.0 | 3.6859e-8 | 0.035785 |
"HGBT" | "pretentious" | 7.5675e-7 | 1089 | 1089.0 | 4.5198e-7 | 0.094364 |
"HGBT" | "usual" | 0.000023 | 1047 | 1047.0 | 0.000023 | 0.312915 |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
4. Predictive Model Performance¶
4.1 Score Decomposition of the Log Loss¶
We use the log loss and evaluate on the test set. On top, we additively decompose the scores in terms of miscalibration (smaller is better), discrimination (larger is better) and uncertainty (property of the data, same for all models).
from model_diagnostics.scoring import LogLoss, decompose
log_loss = LogLoss()
df = decompose(
model | miscalibration | discrimination | uncertainty | score |
str | f64 | f64 | f64 | f64 |
"HGBT" | 0.000009 | 0.65545 | 0.65545 | 0.000009 |
"Logistic" | 0.003509 | 0.635995 | 0.65545 | 0.022964 |
"Trivial" | 0.000088 | 0.0 | 0.65545 | 0.655539 |
"Tree" | inf | 0.641366 | 0.65545 | inf |
First, the HGBT model has the best (smallest) log loss in column score. We also see that the uncertainty term is model independent as it is a property of the data and the scoring function only.
The HGBT model is superior compared to the logistic and to the tree model both in terms of the miscalibration (lower) and of the discrimination (higher). HGBT has a score close to zero, so it seems to almost perfectly predict the target variable.
The tree model, however, has an infinite score and infinite miscalibration due to few predictions being equal to 1 when $Y=0$ (4 observations, see below) or vice versa (2 observations, see below). This can be seen as a weekness of the log loss: it penalizes false certainty (predicting probabilities of 0 or 1, contradicting to the data) with infinity.
The good performance of the tree-based models might suggest that the data was "generated" following a decision-tree-like approach, whose logic the models can then learn given that all the required covariates are available.
np.sum((df_pred_test["Tree"] == 1) & (y_test.values == 0))
np.sum((df_pred_test["Tree"] == 0) & (y_test.values == 1))
4.2 Murphy Diagram¶
How does the ranking of the model performances change with other scoring functions?
Is one model dominating the others for a wide range of scoring functions?
Such questions can be handily answered by a Murphy diagram.
It plots the mean score for a wide range of elementary scoring functions, parametrized by eta
on the x-axis.
We just specify the number of etas
, the plot finds out meaningfull min and max values.
from model_diagnostics.scoring import SquaredError, plot_murphy_diagram
y_pred=df_pred_test.loc[:, ["Logistic", "Tree", "HGBT"]],
The HGBT model seems to have almost perfect score (0 is the minimal attainable value) over the whole range of etas and therefore dominates all other models.
We show this on the score decomposition of the squared error, which is called Brier score in the context of classification.
model | miscalibration | discrimination | uncertainty | score |
str | f64 | f64 | f64 | f64 |
"HGBT" | 1.7994e-7 | 0.23139 | 0.23139 | 1.7994e-7 |
"Tree" | 0.000014 | 0.228908 | 0.23139 | 0.002495 |
"Logistic" | 0.000862 | 0.22503 | 0.23139 | 0.007221 |
"Trivial" | 0.000041 | 0.0 | 0.23139 | 0.23143 |